I just wanted to give a few shout outs from last nights Prayer and Praise night:
1. To all of you who came. There were over 140! It was great to hear your testimonies, praise the Lord and study the Word together. Thank you for coming, it was awesome.
2. To the Norridge Youth Ministry Team. Thank you to the Mantel, McBride and Shoults families (and anyone else I forgot). You made the night a success, the caramel apples were delicious.
3.Remember to choose life, accept a blessing and brush your teeth!
The next Prayer and Praise Night will be at 7pm on Friday, November 18th at Midway Citadel (5036-52 W 47th St. Chicago, IL 60638-2000). Melinda Peters—a Soldier from the War College in Vancouver—will be our special guest speaker. If you don’t have anything going on at your Corps that night, it would be great to see you.