I just wanted to give a few shout outs from last nights Prayer and Praise night:
1. To all of you who came. There were over 50! I know that many of you traveled a great distance to come on Friday. Thank you for taking the time and braving the elements. It was great to hear your testimonies, praise the Lord and look into the Articles of War together.
2. To the Hammond Youth Ministry Team. Thank you to the Bukiewicz, Aho, Aldridge and Ross families. You made the night a success, thanks for the pizza, chips and salsa.
3. To Cory Harrison. What can I say? The message you gave was incredible. It was great to refocus on the Articles of War and claim that we are in this fight until we die. You exposed what commitment to the Revolution is, showed what the Revolution looks like and called us to be accountable to the Revolution. Praise God that you drew the line at the bottom of your Articles of War and then signed it!
The next Prayer and Praise Night will be at 7pm on Friday, January 27th at the CFOT (700 W. Brompton Ave. Chicago, IL 60657-1831). If you don’t have anything going on at your Corps that night, it would be great to see you.