1. Ade Villatoro-Rockford Temple
2. James Davisson-Norridge

3. Kristi Fuller-Kansas Northland
4. Jordan Hunter-Omaha Citadel
5. Erica Johnson-The Bridge
6. Linda Villatoro-Rockford Temple

India Central
1. Mike Hulett-Dearborn Heights
2. Keri Shay-Oakbrook Terrace
3. Helena Brooksbank-Norridge

4. Grant Holloway-Benton Harbor
5. Sara Johnson-Royal Oak
6. Justin Rose-Mayfair Community Church

1. Todd Miesch-Royal Oak
2. Sarah Miesch-Royal Oak
3. Emily Aukes-Kalamazoo
4. Elyse Dalberg-Oakbrook Terrace
5. Sharayah Hulett-Dearborn Heights
6. Sarah Kistler-Des Plaines
7. David Shay-Oakbrook Terrace

Central 1
1. Veronica Fjellman-St. Paul Citadel
2. Luis Azuaje-Templo Laramie
3. Gabriel Carrion-Rockford Temple
4. Miguel Garcia-Templo Laramie
5. Esther Hong-Mayfair Community
6. Dave Mantel-Norridge
7. Melody Waldner-Rockford Temple

Central 2
1. Sarah Kincaid-Oakbrook Terrace
2. Alissa Bell-Lansing Citadel
3. Hannah Cripe-Norridge
4. Andrew Dobney-Dearborn Heights
5. Nate Hood-Tri City
6. Mike McDowell-Kebete, Kenya
7. Julia Suleanschi-Tananka,Russia (Partner in Mission participant)

Latvia Interns
1. Jon Gugala-Madison
2. Ian Smith-Mayfair Community

Ukraine Interns
1. Mike Himes-Norridge
2. Nathan Himes-Norridge

Way to go Metro!

(Summer Mission Teams are an incredible ministry opportunity for Young Salvationists. I know that this year’s competition was very steep and that many qualified and gifted Soldiers were turned away. If you are interested in another practical and intense missions experience you should consider Band of Survivors. Nine former Band of Survivors were accepted to this years Summer Mission Teams. Email me for an application. Please also consider working at Camp Wonderland this summer.)