
Just a quick reminder that the Elgin Prayer and Praise Night is this Friday, February 17th starting at 7pm.

The focus of the night will be on prayer.

For directions to the Elgin Corps (316 Douglas Ave. Elgin, IL 60120-4110) please click here.

Speaking of Elgin, here’s an interesting story I found about The Salvation Army’s history in Elgin, IL.

“A militant Salvation Army arrived in 1885 with a “blood and fire” attack on the forces of sin. The army’s methods were viewed as vulgar and disgusting. Stones were thrown at their street meetings, and scoffers attempted disruptions by beating on tin pans and stove pipes.

One Sunday, ten members and five followers were arrested for collecting a crowd on Douglas Avenue who interfered with the passage of vehicles and pedestrians. Horses were reportedly frightened by the Salvationists’ tambourines. The women prisoners were locked up overnight in a room at the Waverly, a former hotel then serving as the calaboose, and the men were placed in cells. Although only one was fined (a fine paid by Mayor Willis), the arrests aroused public sympathy.

One of those jailed was a young printer’s devil for the Daily News. He later left Elgin to attend the Army’s officers’ training school. His name was Edward J. Parker, and he would eventually rise to the rank of national commander.

The Salvationists often invited police action to attract attention. One of the most adept in publicizing a local meeting was a cornet player called “Joe the Turk”. He was arrested here in 1894 for holding a meeting on Fountain Square and blocking traffic. No sooner was he released on bond than he marched down Chicago Street tooting his horn, and he was arrested again.” (Story taken from elginhistory.com)

Hope to see you there.