Exodus 23:24-26
24 Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces. 25 Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, 26 and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.
Imagine your “ideal person.” This person is perfect for you; in fact he/she was specifically created to have a relationship with you. Let’s say that after years of having a healthy dating relationship this person says that they want to date someone else. You can’t believe it and ask “Who?!” As they start to explain they reach into a bag and pull out a large rock. They say, “Rock.” You ask, “Are you breaking up with me?” and they say “No. I want to date you both.” You ask, “Why?!” and they say “Well, I still need you when I’m lost, when I need someone to protect me. I need you when I’m hungry and need someone to feed me; when I’m lonely and need someone to love me. I need Rock when I feel like holding a rock.”
The Israelites were God’s chosen people. They are God’s first love. They were set apart; a holy nation. So why do they need to be constantly reminded that they shouldn’t “date” other gods? It’s pretty weird, isn’t it? They worshipped the only God that has ever been alive and real: the only guiding, instructing, loving and protecting God. A God who brought them out of slavery, who showed them miracle after miracle, who provided for them and protected them through many difficult situations: a God who constantly proved Himself to them. And yet they need to be reminded over and over “Do not worship other gods” (v. 24).
And if God’s simple instructions weren’t enough, He also promises them blessings in return for their obedience. If they follow these conditions they will have good food, water and health (v.25). Their choice is easy, isn’t it? What we see here is a demonstration of one of the most awesome qualities of God; he wants us to have an exclusive relationship with Him.
Do you need reminding today? Have you been unfaithful in your exclusive relationship with God? Ask yourself who you should love: the only true God of all time. Or some dumb rock.