We are taking a slightly different approach to the cell groups this year at Youth Councils (May 5-7). We are having six large groups—divided by age and gender—that will be taught by 6 cell teachers that we have already assigned. These teachers will teach for 15-20 minutes at the beginning of each of the three sessions.

After the teaching session is over we will split into thirty small cell discussion groups of 8-10 kids. Discussion leaders will be given a topic/question sheet that corresponds to each session and will engage their cell groups with these questions. They will simply be responsible for guiding the discussion, promoting a safe and open environment and mentoring their kids.

I’m writing because we need 30 people (15 guys/15girls) that will be discussion leaders for Youth Councils. We have already had a few replies but are looking for more help. If you are a college age leader and would like to take part in this ministry we would love to have you. Please email me at: [email protected] if you are interested.

We will go over every thing you will need to know for your discussion time following the opening meeting of Youth Councils, at 9:30pm on Friday night at the Hilltop Dining Hall.

If you are college aged, Youth Councils is only 25 BUCK$!

Let the rEVOLution begin!