My life has forever been changed because I went to the Ukraine with a Summer Mission Team. I am not exaggerating when I say that I think about the Ukraine every day.
That is why I want to let you know that Summer Mission Team applications should be completed—including references—and submitted to THQ by January 17th, 2007. That is only 30 days from today! If you are interested in being a part of this life-changing experience, start filling out the application today.
They are looking for active, uniform wearing Salvationists (ages 16-28) to assist The Salvation Army in sharing the gospel next summer. They will be sending team members to locations around the world and within the Central Territory. If you want an application please click here for more information.
Completing the application may be a bit awkward. It’s always hard to “sell yourself” but as someone who has sat on the SMT committee let me stress that appearance counts. So, do yourself a favor and type out your application, put some thought into it and get to the heart of the matter. Your references are also very important, be sure to choose responsible mentors who really know you and will be faithful to submit their recommendation on time. And if you really want to prove how responsible you are TURN YOUR APPLICATION EARLY!
I hope you are well.
Eric Himes
Ukraine, Australia, Germany/Lithuania Summer Mission Team Alum (U.A.G/L.S.M.T.A)
P.S. if for whatever reason you are not selected as a Summer Mission Team member, chances are that we would love to have you be a part of Band of Survivors, a month long Missions/Discipleship School. BOS 2K6 runs from June 26 – July 23. Applications will be out in January.
P.P.S. if you are not interested in SMT or Band of Survivors you may want to work at camp. It’s an awesome job and they have a pool. Email me or go to http://wonderlandcamp.com if you want more information.
P.P.P.S. Check out the SMT Xanga.