On Saturday March 15th, 2008 The Mayfair Community Church (Korean Corps) will be hosting Take Action 08. Not the activist/charity rock tour featuring bands such as August Burns Red, this Take Action 08 is a youth conference done by YWAM (Youth With A Mission), a Bible college and mission school for youth. The conference is described as a “multimedia missions experience with unforgettable drama, dance, video presentations, and worship” aimed at equipping high school and college students to “bring God to the streets.”
This will be the second year that the Mayfair Corps has hosted this event, mainly because it was done so well last year. The conference is from 10am-5pm with registration at 9:30am. Lunch is provided, but they do suggest a $5 donation to cover lunch.
To register, visit the event’s online registration page. Or, to see their promo video, click here.
Is That Really You, God?: Hearing the Voice of God by Loren Cunningham, co-founder of YWAM.