Every week, I try to showcase some sort of resource that could inspire you in some way. For instance there was a post on the new Hillsong United album called With Hearts As One, and another about the new Passion album entitled God Of This City. Just before that, there was indeed a devotional from the book Chosen to be a Soldier: Orders and Regulations for Soldiers of the Salvation Army. The reason I bring that up is because today is all about reading. Be sure to check any, if not all, of the following out. You will not be disappointed.

Do you want to know what the Army was like back in the day? Do you want to know how innovative it was in bringing the Gospel to people? Do you want to know what it means to powerfully engage the context you’re in and not be changed by it? Interestingly enough, that is the history of the Army. They thought of ways to connect to the culture, speak Truth, and see souls saved. It’s not about being the old Army, but it’s about realizing that we still need to be just as innovative as they were then. Find out what it was all about in INSANE.

Are you a Soldier?

Check this out:

“Command officers are responsible for seeing that the soldiers of their corps are acquainted with these regulations and that ll intending soldiers are supplied with a copy before or at the time they are given Articles of War for signature. These orders and regulations should be read before enrolment.”

If you haven’t read this yet, make sure you get your hands on a copy. This book explains who we are! Ask your Corps Officer for one. They’ll be delighted to oblige.

The JAC, published six times a year, is an online publication of articles by Salvationists around the Army world. It may be written in the spirit of Catherine Booth’s original work Aggressive Christianity and exists to challenge and stir up. You can read the current issue in its entirety online, or you can download 51 back issues in PDF – all completely free!

This should keep you busy. So, go. Go away. Read some books!