Saturday, July 11
Read: Luke 20

Here in Luke 20, Jesus is in the Temple teaching everyday (see Luke 19:47). We get a description of one of those days that Jesus is teaching and in this instance, the religious leaders were trying to trap Jesus so that they may accuse him of wrong doing. Each question asked is an attempt to trick Jesus, yet he remains one step ahead each time and provides answers that out smart the religious leaders.

Jesus then gives this parable of the tenant that frightened, and probably offended, the teachers of the law. Here we have God, the father, as the owner of the vineyard, the tenants as the religious leaders, and the son of the owner as Jesus Christ. Now the tenants continually beat up on the servants that the owner sent, but when the son came, the son of God, they decided to kill him. The owner’s response would be to get rid of the tenants, to kill them. Jesus is saying that this is the rightful judgment that the tenants, or the religious leaders, deserve for opposing God. And he said this right to their face! Talk about smack talk!

The religious leaders use to call themselves the builders of Israel, but Jesus is telling them that they are rejecting the capstone in which the kingdom is built up on. The kingdom of God is only built up through Jesus as the capstone and the appropriate judgment will come to the tenants who oppose him.

After saying these things, the religious leaders continued to question Jesus so that there may be fault of Christ exposed. Yet Jesus steps up in courage (even though the people seek to arrest him) and answers each question with convicting truth! As Christian, we will be asked many questions. Sometime, questions will be proposed to try and expose flaws within Christianity. This can come from many sorts: opposing religions, atheists, or people who just desire to live in a sinful lifestyle. Just as Jesus was prepared to tackle these questions, we are to do the same! We must prepare our minds and our hearts to express truth to those who oppose the word of God.

This passage does not suggest that Christians should go up and offend people for doing things wrong. Jesus still asks us to love our neighbors. Yet He is suggesting that we speak up in boldness. To equip ourselves with the knowledge of the word and to be ready to show what is truth to those whose view of scripture may be skewed.


– Have you ever been approached with challenging questions about your faith? Did you know how to answer those questions?

– Do you think you would be ready to answer questions by someone who opposed the word of God? Questions asked by a Muslim or a Jew? How about from an atheist of an existentialist? How can we better prepare ourselves to engage in these challenging types of conversations?

-It is ok to not know all the answers, no one ever does. But it is important to try and know the word of God the best we can. The more we study His word, the better we know His character. Also, the Holy Spirit is what reveals his truth to us through the word. So by studying the bible, we become more in tune with the spirit of God.