I’m sure many of you are wondering what’s going on for Prayer & Praise Nights, the two Youth Councils we have this year, and more. Well, rest assured, we have so many cool things planned for this year, we can’t wait to get started. It’s going to be epic!
For your convenience, below is a handy dandy list of all the 2010-2011 dates that you’ll want to remember. Get our your calendars and mark them now! As you’ll notice, this only includes the dates of the Prayer & Praise Nights and no locations. At this point I’m working hard to finalize them (hint: if your Corps wants to host a Prayer & Praise Night, speak now or forever hold your peace. Hint 2: putting a request in doesn’t guarantee anything. Sorry!). And just like last year, we’ll release a sweet poster with all of this info by, if not before, the first Prayer & Praise Night on September 17. Of course, you can always check out our Calendar on the right of the home page.