Episode I – January 2011 from YStv on Vimeo.
This is the first installment of YStv. YS, for those of you who may not know, stands for Young Salvationist, as in the Young Salvationist magazine that you probably see at your Corps. In this episode, Captain Amy Reardon (editor of YS magazine) interviews our newly installed National Commanders on a variety of topics based on questions that were asked from young people from all over the country (I’m pretty sure one question is from a Metro Youth – Jonathan from Illinois?). As a preview, here are a few of the questions:
-Our movement was founded by radical people that did radical things. We often praise them for their efforts, while the Army today may not resemble the Army of the past. How do you reconcile those differences?
-In Kenya, the College for Officer Training gets 100 cadets per session, and they have a waiting list. Why does this not happen in the United States?
-Is there anything being done to attract younger women to women’s ministries?
-What are the social issues you are willing to risk funds and your reputations for?
-What do you think is The Salvation Army’s strongest attribute, and what do you think is its weakest?
-How is The Salvation Army different from one country to the next, and how do you adapt to each country?