Youth Councils 2007!
The first batch of Metro Youth Councils 2007 photos are in! Click here to see the set.
The first batch of Metro Youth Councils 2007 photos are in! Click here to see the set. just did a very nice feature of Keri Shay’s photography. They set her photos to music and also have a nice audio interview with Keri. You can check it…
The Salvation Army in the Goldthorpe area of England has launched a new outreach that aims to make God accessible to people who would never dream of entering a church…
On Saturday, April 28th, Kyle Madison—a Project AIM participant—came home after work to find a man running out of his apartment building. When he walked inside, he saw on the…
Displace Me was an experiential event meant to simulate what life is like for those living in Northern Uganda’s displaced camps. Participants took part in the event by creating, decorating…
Band Of Survivors Applications are due on Friday, May 11th. THAT’S IN ONLY FIFTEEN DAYS! I can think of at least 36 reasons why you should apply. If you apply…
On April 20th, youth from the Metropolitan Division responded to a challenge to raise money to help end global poverty through the “Change In, Change Out” campaign. Youth were given…
Friday’s Prayer & Praise Night at the Irving Park Corps was awesome! Over 165 youth came from Aurora, Chicago Temple, Des Plaines, Elgin, Englewood, Evanston, Hammond-Munster, Irving Park, LaVillita, Mt.…
The Metropolitan Music Department has recently launched a website to help connect you to their ministry. Those of you who are a part of Metro Youth Band, Metro Youth Chorus…
Acts 16:9-159During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10After Paul had seen the vision,…