RevoDevos – Day 11
Thursday, July 6th 2006Read: Exodus 14 We could go a whole month in this one chapter. But lets tackle verse 15: “Then Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Quit praying and get…
Thursday, July 6th 2006Read: Exodus 14 We could go a whole month in this one chapter. But lets tackle verse 15: “Then Yahweh said to Moses, ‘Quit praying and get…
Wednesday, July 5th 2006Read: Exodus 13 As the chapter suggests, this is a major event, a day to remember forever. God is delivering His people out of bondage. Being free…
Tuesday, July 4th 2006Read: Exodus 12 “What? I have neighbors?” This is a question that is rarely asked but many Christians act as if they live in an underground bubble…
Monday, July 3rd 2006Read: Exodus 10Here’s another aspect of God we don’t usually notice these days. How many sermons have you heard about the God who mocks? The tables have…
Sunday, July 2nd 2006Read: Exodus 9 We’re into the thick of it. Pharaoh’s magicians could mimic the first couple of miracles that God performed through Moses. They pulled off the…
Saturday, July 1st 2006Read: Exodus 8 The plague of frogs; the plague of gnats; the plague of flies… and the list goes on. Each one is a result of one…
Friday, June 30th 2006Read: Exodus 7 Alright, we’re getting into the hardcore stuff here. We probably won’t deal with every question raised in this chapter, but this isn’t a Bible…
Check out our first team update at BandOfSurvivors.Com!
Thursday, June 29th 2006Read: Exodus 6 Now watch this. Things haven’t started off that well for Moses in his big deliverance campaign against Pharaoh. Things are actually worse off now…
Check out the new BOS 2K6 blog at I just posted a new photodoc of our orientation at Camp.