RevoDevos Acts 4
Luke 4 is an amazing chapter that shows the power of sharing the story of Jesus to others. Peter and John were aware of the dangers that came with speaking…
Luke 4 is an amazing chapter that shows the power of sharing the story of Jesus to others. Peter and John were aware of the dangers that came with speaking…
Four important events happen in this chapter. First, Peter and John, on their way to the Temple, see a man in need. They claim to not have money but Peter…
Friday, July 17Read: Acts 2 Act two has to be one of the most epic moments in the Bible! Christ has already died for the sins of mankind; his resurrection…
Thursday, July 16Read: Acts 1 There are over 1 billion Christians in the world leaving over 5 billion people untouched or unaffected by the gospel. If you think about it…
Can you think of a time when you had to trust someone completely? Maybe it was when you played a part in one of those ridiculous trust-fall exercises.
Tuesday, July 14Read: Luke 23 “Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free. For God the just is satisfied to look on Him and pardon me.” (Charitie…
Monday, July 13Read: Luke 22 We are reaching the end of Luke and the beginning of the passion story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. After the Passover meal, Jesus is…
Sunday, July 12Read: Luke 21 This passage of scripture may seem like Jesus is just talking about end-time events, when He will come back. But in reality he is talking…
Saturday, July 11Read: Luke 20 Here in Luke 20, Jesus is in the Temple teaching everyday (see Luke 19:47). We get a description of one of those days that Jesus…
This passage is so powerful! Before Jesus enters Jerusalem he tells his disciples what to expect in the parable of the ten minas. This parable is a hidden foreshadowing of…