Saturday, July 18
Read: Acts 3
Four important events happen in this chapter.
First, Peter and John, on their way to the Temple, see a man in need. They claim to not have money but Peter offers him something worth more than that.
Second, the man is healed in the name of Jesus.
Third, the man praises God by walking and leaping and jumping. He recognizes what has just happened. He has a heart full of praise for God because he knew it was only by God’s power that he was healed. Peter addresses the crowd giving glory to God.
And fourth, the message to repent is preached.
Everything we do should be done in the name and glorification of Jesus. Peter and John were simply obeying Jesus by going daily to the Temple to pray, and just like Jesus had stopped because they saw someone in need. They were confident in the power of the Holy Spirit that was at work within them.
They see a need, they meet the need, God is praised and given glory and the message of repentance is preached. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8) is started. They don’t linger around for a while before getting to work, they don’t hide in their shells but they boldly carry and proclaim the name of Jesus not timid to rebuke those that sent him to his death.
How many times on your way to church, or anywhere for that matter, have you seen someone in need? How many times do you feel prompted to help that person? How many times do you shy away from doing so out of fear or because of the hurry you’re in? Take note that Peter is still human. A human open to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Jesus, on his way anywhere, would always take time to be with people. In the gospel of John when he stops at the well in the Samaritan town just for a short break he ends up staying there three days teaching the people. He was never in a hurry.
As bearers of Christ’s name we must be a good example of the name. God calls us to “the least of these” and too many times do we miss out on the blessing of sharing the gospel with others because of our selfishness, fear and doubt. The name of Jesus is the most powerful name in the world. With it come healing, salvations, miracles, joy, peace and comfort. With it comes the power to change things. Don’t be afraid to use it.
– Have you ever had the opportunity share Christ’s love with someone but chose not to? What stopped you?
– When we are actively seeking God and the Holy Spirit we are going to start seeing the need and the Spirit is going to prompt us to act. We can choose to ignore it or we can obey it and start to see a change in this world. What do you want to see: people continue to sin and cry out or a nation turned upside down and praising the Lord for his mighty deeds?
– Through the Holy Spirit you have the power to change your neighborhoods, schools, state and country. Pray against fear and doubt and that you would be filled with the Holy Spirit.