The following resources are taken from a worship project The Singing Company and Families put together for The Salvation Army Central Territory. Each devotional not only has teaching on that specific day of Holy Week, but also features a song based on the meaning of that day.

“But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business.” (Matthew 22:5)

“In anticipation of the days to come, Jesus shares the parable of the Wedding Feast. In telling this story Jesus describes the various responses to being invited into the Kingdom of God and the consequences for rejecting God’s invitation.

Throughout history, Israel repeatedly dismissed the messages God shared through His prophets. And like the invited guests who kill the King’s messengers in this parable, Israel had done the same to their prophets. When Jesus tells this story, however, He isn’t just teaching about Israel’s rejection of the Kingdom of God. There is a second invitation, an invitation for everyone to enter into God’s Kingdom, to a great wedding feast. And so, this story is about you and me.

The guests’ responses are puzzling. It is disturbing that these people did not want to attend such an incredible banquet. Why would they reject such a generous feast, and go so far as to kill the people who shared the King’s invitation? These are the kind of questions Jesus wants us to wrestle with through His parables. They aren’t fairy-tales with tidy, happy endings. They’re thought-provoking, honest and deeply challenging.”

Read on and listen to “In God’s Kingdom” @