Yesterday I found the lyrics to a crazy old Army fight song that is not in the song book today. It’s so old it doesn’t even say who wrote it. I love how passionate and reckless it is, I think it may even give “Never Mind, Go On!” a run for its money (not that a song has money or that I even know what that phrase means). I also love that it refers to the devil as both the “skeleton captain of hell” and “dude”. I am proud to present…

I’m A Blood And Fire Soldier

I’m a salvation soldier converted I know,
I am known as a soldier above and below;
For I get of heaven’s fire as forward I go,
To fight in the salvation war.
I delight in the din of the battle;
I glory in sanctified noise;
I was born in the run and the rattle,
Of those jolly salvation boys.

I’m a Blood-and-Fire soldier, from top to toe;
I lick the old devil wherever I go;
I recruit for my Savior; my colors I show,
I fight in the salvation war.

I am clad in full uniform, inside and out,
I am always at home when the devil’s about;
To meet the old dude I ne’er need to scout,
He’s so close on my track in the war.
But with shield and with sword I encounter,
The skeleton captain of hell;
Though he besets and may bully and banter,
I’m a salvation antagonist well.

I get my hot-shot at the foot of the Cross,
From Calvary’s furnace, they come without dross;
And the glory comes down and gives them a gloss,
Just right for the salvation war.
Though the foes in their boasting may revel,
And assail me with fiery darts,
The faith shield is proof to the battle,
It has shielded many glorified hearts.

Now, old men and maidens and mothers agree;
And all you brave fellows do come along with me;
If something heroic and great you would be,
Enlist for the salvation war.
Are inscribed on our flags in the fray,
And Heaven will re-echo the story
Of the victories we’re gaining today.