Dear Metro Youth,

The Des Plaines Corps is hosting a Prayer and Praise Night this Friday, September 15th starting at 7pm. It will be a night of fellowship, prayer, praise and teaching for the youth of the Division.

There will be a time of open testimony in which you can share what the Lord is doing in your lives and at your Corps.

The message will observe the story of Jesus being anointed in Luke 7:36-50 and will focus on the relationship between forgiveness and love.

Here’s what you should bring:
-Your Bibles; there will be a “sword drill”.
-A testimony.
-$2 to help pay for the snack.

Here’s what you should know:
-You may want to car pool or organize transportation with your Officer/Youth Leader/Friends. It’s better that way.

For directions to the Des Plaines Corps (609 W Dempster St. Des Plaines, IL 60016-2651) please click here.

I hope to see you there.