Many of you will know that the first annual weekend of prayer for the victims of sex trade trafficking begins today, Friday 29 September and ends Sunday 1 October 2006.

How should you pray? Below is a prayer guide. Commit to prayer this weekend.

“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” Proverbs 14:31

“Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” Isaiah 58: 6

Trafficked Persons
Pray for all of the people (mostly women and girls) who have been trafficked; bought and sold into sexual slavery.
– Pray for safety
– Pray for an opportunity to escape/get out of the sex trade
– Pray for healing, wholeness and restoration
– Pray for comfort

Pray for all of the men and women involved in recruiting, transporting and selling people to be sexually exploited
– Pray for their redemption – that they would feel compelled to change their ways
and stop trafficking other human beings

Pray for the families of people who have been trafficked.
– Pray for their safety
– Pray for acceptance and forgiveness of their family member who has been trafficked

Sex Industry
– Pray for an end to the seemingly endless demand for commercial sex around the world
– Pray for “johns” (purchasers of commercial sex)

Poverty is often a leading reason why women and girls enter the international sex trade
– Pray for an end to poverty
– Pray for more economic choices for women around the world

Government Leaders
– Pray for government leaders, as they make choices that affect people
– Pray for America’s leaders to make wise choices about legislation and how they spend their money

Prayer guide taken from and adapted.