
The Change In, Change Out Celebration was a ridiculously rejuvenating reunion! Besides the fact that we raised $3,295.42, God was present and active among us.

We learned that Change In, Change Out isn’t just a one year campaign, but a lifestyle! Right? The spare change we find daily should still be given away selflessly, so that we can continue to help God make a big difference in the world.

We learned, too, that it isn’t about you, or me (ouch!), which can be a difficult thing for us to hear. But, God wants us to join Him in His work, in working to save others and help them in their sanctification (and don’t forget we need to live holy lives as well!).

God is good. How are you doing with what the Lord taught you at the Change In, Change Out Celebration?

Are you still saving change?

Are you looking for opportunities to share the gospel?

Are you growing in holiness?

Are you looking for ways to encourage your brothers and sisters in their holiness?

Don’t forget to click the photo to see a slideshow of photos from the night.