In an email sent out on Sunday, May 25, anti-human trafficking group Stop the Traffik unveiled some new resources to help communities identify a trafficked person. Coming out some time in June, Stop the Traffik will release their Stop the Traffik Community Action Pack against sex trafficking. According to the email:

“It will have ideas for schools, community groups, businesses, suggestions on what to look for and what you can do on your street.

The community action pack will involve raising awareness in schools and local groups, mapping what’s happening in your community, carefully gathering relevant intelligence and building local partnerships with your council, police and social and health care services. Information on what is actually happening in communities is desperately needed by the authorities to STOP THE TRAFFIK in your area.”

By releasing this Action Packs, they are also kicking off what they’re calling Stop the Traffik Community Action against Sex Trafficking groups (Stop the Traffik CAST Groups).

Again according to the email:

“These action groups are made up of all sorts of people from a community who want to engage in this difficult area of sex trafficking.

This will be a group that is willing to work long term rather than see instant results. But with STOP THE TRAFFIK CAST groups working across many countries will create an invaluable picture of what activity is going on. Together we will accumulate information that can be used by police and other authorities to rescue victims of trafficking and prosecute the traffickers — not just in your community, but across trafficking routes. This will be a groundbreaking movement, the first of its kind.

Is this something you are willing to do? Talk to others in your community, office, street, neighbourhood, pub, or other local gatherings to see if you can commit to this.”

Do you want to be part of something like this? Then keep your eyes peeled at See what’s happening. Also, check out some of the Army’s Human Trafficking initiatives to see how you can get involved ( is a good one).