For those of you who lack observation skills, or if you just plain didn’t look at all, if you go back to the home page, and look in the bottom left hand corner, you should find two sermons for your listening pleasure (and of course for your growth).

The top message is by Aaron White who works for the 614/War College in Vancouver, BC. This message was given on prayer at CBLI (Central Bible Leadership Institute) only a few weeks ago. It comes straight from John 17. Listen up, take notes, and get ready!

The second message is by Steve Chalke. He is the chair of STOP THE TRAFFIK (a very well known and respected initiative that fights human trafficking world wide) and was appointed as a special advisor for the United Nations on human trafficking. His message, centered mostly on Genesis 1 and humans being made God’s image, will definitely stir you up if you listen in.

Glory to God!