It’s time to kick-off the 2008-2009 Prayer & Praise Nights! The Chicago Temple Corps has agreed to host the historic first Prayer & Praise Night. Mark my words, it will go down in the annals of history.

Something you should know: we’ve decided to have a theme for this year. It’s nothing too big, just something to piece them together. We’re going with “Glory to God.” Why? Because we believe that it’s not about us, it’s about the Father. Because, above all, Jesus lived to give Glory to the Father, and as his disciples, we want to do that too.

So, come out for the kick-off, but, more importantly, come out for a night of prayer, worship, fellowship, and growth.

Be sure to bring:
-Your Bibles
-Your friends
-Your friends’ friends
-A focused attitude of worship

Also, while parking may not be extremely limited, it’s always a good idea to carpool.

See you there? Prove it! RSVP via our Facebook event.