Saturday, July 4
Read: Luke 13

Trees are wonderful creations. They provide shade, nests for animals, fruit, scenery and even clean our air making it possible for us to breathe. Each tree is different and each type of tree requires different nutrients to keep it growing and nourished so it can nourish others. Even so, there are the similar basics each tree needs in order to grow: sun, water and air.

Let’s look at Psalm 1. Someone read this aloud. How does this image parallel to believers? What do you think the water represents? How does this image relate to the parable of the mustard seed?

If you were to plant a seed in your yard in hopes that it would become a tree you would have to water it, protect it, mend it and prune it throughout the years. You couldn’t just plant the seed and leave it to it’s own to grow and flourish. It needs help.

In verses 6-9 we see what happens when we don’t take proper care of our trees. Someone read those verses again. This tree had grown but was not producing fruit. The man who took care of the vineyards response leads us to believe that he had not taken proper care of the tree, right? If you planted a seed and overtime it didn’t produce fruit would you keep it or throw it out. What is the use of keeping such a tree?

Just like us. The moment we become a Christian isn’t the “end all” of our walk. There’s more to it than that. The fact that each of you are here is testimony that you are striving after these things. Praying, reading the bible, fellowship, accountability, discipleship and service. In order to grow and produce fruit we need these things. They should be like food, water and oxygen to us.

But these passages aren’t only referring to bearing fruit. Can you think of what other point Jesus is trying to make here?

When He refers to the birds of the air that came and perched in its branches He was stating that when we produce that fruit others will come to us. Others will see the beauty of the Lord working in and through us and will want to be apart of that. They will be brought into the Kingdom because of our discipline in spiritual matters that softened our hearts and allowed God to mold us into the sons and daughters He longs for us to be. Just like you when you made a choice to follow Christ. Chances are you saw it modeled in the life of someone close to you whether at home, camp, church or even in school.

God has great plans for you. Your relationship with Him will not be unfruitful unless you forget to do these things. God wants you to draw closer unto Him not only because He loves you but because He wants to bless others through you. He has chosen you to bear fruit and be a blessing unto others.


– Who have you looked up to for guidance in your spiritual walk? Do you talk with this person and seek advice from them?

– Do you think you are someone who others look up to? Has anyone ever told you that you were a good example to others? How did this make you feel? Did it convict you to change some things that were not so role model-ish?

– Take some time to either think about or discuss the type of example you’d like to be unto others and pray these things into each other.