Tabatha Anderson Band of Survivors Blog 2010

As we enter into the third week of Band Survivors, changes and growth in both the students and leaders are already being challenged. These past two weeks have been both difficult and fun. Getting to know the girls in my cell group has been amazing and I am really excited to learn more as these weeks press on. My biggest goal for my time at BOS is to truly build a unique and strong relationship with these girls, so that we can remain close, even when we are miles apart. So far, I have seen the youth jump into leadership positions and accept the challenges we give them and also further challenge themselves. They are truly seeking after God and searching for that deeper relationship with Him. It has been so encouraging and exciting to be a part of their growth. God has been faithful here and I believe he will continue to be faithful in our lives when BOS ends.

Today was our Sabbath. We were able to go to bed late last night after a fun game of soccer, and wake up late—around 9:00am—to banana pancakes, if we weren’t on a media fast I’m sure Jack Johnson would have been playing in the background . After breakfast, we did Salvationism class. Karrissa, Franny, and I decided to combine cell groups and go through chapters 5-7 of Chosen to be a Soldier. We learned about Holiness and striving to be like Christ.

My group was on lunch duty today, so we prepared grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. After lunch we had cell groups. We read Acts 15 today; however, we went off on a bit of a tangent and got to know each other’s lives and struggles. I hope that discussion has really helped us get close enough to be able to encourage each other these next two weeks, but really, as I said earlier, I want our group to be able to leave BOS with an accountability relationship with one another.

Eric Himes, from The Singing Company, came at 4:00pm today to speak about Worship Warfare. Eric taught us a lot about the meaning of worship. Eric did an awesome job of presenting the information to the students. It was a refreshing look on the worship of the Lord. The most memorable thing I learned during his discussion was: Worship is the right response to the presence of God. Also, a quote from General Fredrick Coutts, “The Christian engages in worship in order to clarify the action he must undertake in everyday life, to re-enforce his sprit so that he becomes a coworker with the God who is not at work in human affairs.”

After an awesome BBQ Chicken dinner and a few intense games of KUBB, we gathered for Knee Drill. It never ceases to amaze me how God speaks to our group and the amazing ways he challenges and changes us. During worship, I was reading Isaiah 1 and vs. 17 stuck out to me: “learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow”. This verse and verses about the poor and thirsty continued to challenge me throughout the rest of the knee drill. Also Isaiah 43 stuck out to me, through those verses, God reminded me of his unfailing love, his protective hand and how he views us. The verse, “You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you”, is so encouraging and awesome! God is so good and I can’t wait for tomorrow. “Signing off, this is Lara Fishlick” (Nate Irvine).

Oh yea, and I forgot one thing, I just need to add a quick shout out to my family, Drew, my Dekalb Corps Family, and all my friends back home! Love and miss you all!!!

P.S. I just realized I just wrote about the wrong day…oops, sorry Gabe.
Tabatha Anderson