Hi, its Monday and this is Joshua bowyer from Rockford temple corps.
Today’s schedule was very relaxed first I woke up at 9:10 and did my dirty laundry, then there was an awesome breakfast of bacon and eggs and I ate it all. Later in the day we had knee drills were we sang and looked up bible verses, after that we had lunch and that was good too. The next thing we did was a Salvationism class with Debbie Olson. A cool thing about it was that she had come to Rockford temple three weeks in a row and taught Rockford the same things she taught at Salvationism class so I knew most of the stuff she was going to say but she had some new things in store for us and all of us survivors really enjoyed it. When Salvationism class was over we had cell groups over Acts chapter 23 and 24 and I learned some cool stuff. If you want to know what I read that was cool you’ll just have to look it up.

When cell groups was over we left for a game I’ve never heard of in my life, it’s called Whirlyball and it was amazingly fun, it’s a cross between bumper cars and lacrosse and basketball, who ever made it up I give them props. Then after the fun ended we headed off to CFOT and here I am now. That’s pretty much what we did today, four days after today. I’m going to be happy to head home and also miss BOS and the friends that I’ve made here but the good thing is, is that I’ll see them a CBLI.
Peace out.