If you’ve recently visited www.BibleGateway.com, searched for a passage from the NIV, copy and pasted it into a sermon or Bible study, and went back later and went, “Hm. I remember that passage differently,” it’s the NIV has recently undergone a revision. Back in 2009, the scholars behind the NIV translation announced that it would be ready in 2011. However, www.BibleGateway.com released it online on November 1, 2010, and it’s set to be available in print form by March 2011.

“The NIV, now in pews and homes in 46 countries, was originally published in 1978; it was updated in 1984. A plan to revise it in 1997 died when word got out that it would use “inclusive language” — code for largely eliminating masculine pronouns.

The scholars and publishers tried again, releasing an accessible updated translation in 2005. This Bible had a slightly different name, Today’s New International Version, or TNIV It eliminated masculine or feminine usage they said was unsupported by original manuscripts or unclear in modern lingo…”

Read more @ http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-09-01-bible-translation_N.htm

To read more on the recently republished NIV from its translators, check out Biblica’s website here (Biblica was once known as the International Bible Society).

(photo from DrGBB)