The blind can see Him.
The deaf can hear Him.
The poor can afford Him.
The lame can follow Him.
The mute can speak to Him.
The dead can find life in Him.
The hungry can be fed by Him.
The sick can be healed by Him.
The skeptic can believe in Him.
The lonely can find love in Him.
The depressed can find joy in Him.
The weak can find strength in Him.
The proud can be humbled by Him.
The distressed can find peace in Him.
The abandoned can be adopted by Him.
The addicted can find deliverance in Him.
The outcast can find community with Him.
The cursed can accept a blessing from Him.

I want to live my life in a way that helps remove the “can”.
Let us not settle for the idea of Christ’s potential in us.
Let us allow Christ to channel His power through us.
Bring on the present tense!