
Templo Laramie is hosting a Prayer and Praise Night next Friday, January 19th starting at 7pm. It will be a night of fellowship, prayer, praise and teaching for the youth of the Division.

This is going to be an exciting time as Corps will share about their involvement in I’ll Fight Day. We are asking each Corps that participated in I’ll Fight Day appoint one youth representative to describe what happened during the event. They will have 1-2 minutes to explain what they did, what they learned and what they hope to do in the future. If you participated in I’ll Fight Day and you want to your Corps’ youth representative, coordinate with your youth leader and be ready to share. We will also show a slide show of each Corps’ photos as you share.

If your Corps participated in I’ll Fight Day and is unable to attend, I will read a description of what you did and will show your photos.

Here’s what you should bring:
-Your Bibles.
-$2 to help pay for the snack.

Here’s what you should know:
-You may want to car pool or organize transportation with your Officer/Youth Leader/Friends. Laramie has a small parking lot.

For directions to Templo Laramie (2337 S Laramie Ave. Cicero, IL 60804-2853, US) please click here.

See you there?