What is I’ll Fight Day?
I’ll Fight Day is a servant evangelism day for youth of The Salvation Army that will take place all across the world on Saturday, December 5th, 2009.

How can I take part in I’ll Fight Day?
Follow these steps:

  1. Read the list of suggested servant evangelism activities,
  2. Get your friends together and figure out what you want to do,
  3. Put your plan into action!

What else should I know about I’ll Fight Day?
Start planning now. Go over the provided list of servant evangelism examples, talk to your friends and figure out what you are going to do.
Pitch in. Some of the activities require you to spend your own money. The more people who you get to pitch in, the more you can do.
Take some pics. We want to know what your Corps did during I’ll Fight Day. You can post these pictures on the website after the event.

All projects are free—don’t accept any money!