Tuesday, July 20th
Read: Acts 25

The religious leaders hated Paul. They made up stuff about him and planned to ambush and kill him. It wasn’t him that they hated exactly, it was his message and that he was so darn successful at preaching it! Little did they know that the ‘damage’ was already done. Paul was responsible for the spread of Christianity around the world.

It would not be easy to be in Paul’s shoes. He was locked up by the cops, stuck in prison for two years and still hadn’t had any real charges brought against him! In chapter 25 of Acts we find Paul still in limbo, seeming to go nowhere because of the situation caused by the authorities. And why? Simply because they weren’t sure what to do with him as we read Festus’s remarks, “For it doesn’t seem reasonable to send a prisoner to the emperor without specifying the charges against him!” (v.27). Festus has no idea what charges to press and so Paul continued to sit in prison for what seemed like forever.

Praise the Lord, because Paul had a really good outlook on life—after Jesus revolutionized him, that is. But it’s likely that some days he struggled to trust in the ‘big picture’ plan that Jesus had for him. Sitting in a prison cell, day after day, not knowing what tomorrow would bring, feeling like so much time was being wasted might have really got to him! It didn’t, though- not enough to immobilize or discourage him, anyway! He was still fighting and writing and praying and reaching others just like always. He didn’t lose heart and he didn’t give up. His passion and zeal could not be stopped.

Sometimes it is easy to have a negative perspective on life. We may not find ourselves in a prison cell for two years but nevertheless are dissatisfied with life for several reasons. We might feel like the place we find ourselves at the moment is not where we should be. We might feel like we’re imprisoned by the impositions of others on us. We might feel like the future is friendlier and more fulfilling than today. We might feel like the grass is greener on the other side.

No matter what the case, we can learn from and follow Paul’s example and live life day by day. When we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Lord is doing today, in our present circumstance, revolution is possible. It can be so easy to miss out on what God is doing and teaching when our focus is on tomorrow. God does reveal future plans to us in His time but that should not be all we strive after. Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit each day is when God’s power will be seen and be made evident to others. Not only will our attitudes and outlook on life be revolutionized but so will the perspective of others when they see our example.


1. Is there something about ‘today’ that makes you dissatisfied with your life? Ask Jesus to reveal how today fits into the big picture and let his revelation change your attitude!

2. How can bad things happen to us and God still be a good and loving God?

3. How should our attitudes be through these times? How do we keep from having a “life that is tinged with negativity?”

4. What can you start doing today to love God and love others more deeply?


Now that we are a good way through BOS, how are you going to implement what you are learning in your corps/at home? Pray with your group. Focus on specifically identifying tough situations and/or sins that are getting in the way of your relationship with Jesus. Pray for power to overcome these things through the power of the Holy Spirit.