Tuesday, July 7
Read: Luke 16

After the parable of the shrewd manager, Jesus is making a strong point in this chapter. He talks about how we cannot serve two masters. Jesus talks specifically here about how we cannot serve both money and God, but the money can be in place of anything of the world that man serves. Above all else, the only master we must serve is God. Now this is important to understand for what Jesus talks about shortly after (v. 16). This section emphasizes the how there is a new era of God. The time of the prophets is over and the time of Jesus is the beginning of the kingdom of God. Although these messages were intended for the disciples, the Pharisees were listening in (v. 14). The law of the prophets is what the Pharisees knew and liked. Christ is saying there is a new focus, the kingdom of God, and its main teaching is to serve the master of that kingdom, Jesus himself. The best part of all is that Jesus shows how this kingdom is an inclusive one! “The kingdom of God is being preached and everyone is forcing his way into it.” (v.16).

Luke was an evangelist, and shows us how Jesus intended his kingdom for all! The Pharisees had judgmental opinions towards certain groups, mostly the poor/needy and the Gentiles. They were considered the least of God’s blessings and many times seen as sinners. But Luke knew that Jesus had his message intended for everyone, that all were eligible for the kingdom of God. Jesus made sure that both his disciples and the Pharisees knew this. With Jesus we have a beginning of the era of the kingdom of God and a mission of evangelism that is to share that everyone is invited into the kingdom.

It is difficult to read and not feel a little sorry for the rich man in versus 19-31. Yes he was unkind to Lazarus and he did serve his wealth rather than God. But he received his punishment. Now we kind of get his turn of heart when he wants to warn his brother of the mistake he has made (v. 27-28). He begins to understand that there is no undoing his sins, yet his brothers on earth may still have a chance to change their hearts. But Jesus says that even sending Lazarus, a man who was considered dead, would have no effect on his brothers just as the scripture about Abraham and the prophets had no effect on them. The brother’s hearts were hard! Jesus is suggesting that the word of God should have been enough. Scripture is the greatest authority and (should) carries the greatest conviction! Are we still convicted when we read the word of God? Sometimes, even daily devotionals may become mundane. You may feel like you are re-reading things you already know. But there is such power in the Bible! We must prepare our heart each time before we receive the word of God!


– We must make sure that we are only serving God and not subsiding to the conformities of this world. What threats and temptations are out there for Christians to serve and turn their hearts away from God? What dangers are there for the church ever loose sight of authentically serving God?

– Throughout Luke we get this constant theme of caring for those in need. How have we shown compassion on this in need during our time in BOS?

– How can we do the same to show that love to the people in our communities back at home?

– To love God is to Love and show compassion to the humanity that he loves.
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).