Wednesday, July 8
Read: Luke 17

Here we have four main themes; sin, faith, duty and praise!

How many of you have been hurt by others before? Is it hard or easy for you to forgive people who have done you wrong? Forgiveness is a huge thing. With true forgiveness we can fully let go of the hurt caused us and restore a right relationship with the person who caused the hurt. Without forgiveness we tend to hold to the feelings of hurt leaving us fearful of further instances, weary and bitter.

The reason Jesus stresses forgiveness first is because he has forgiven us. When we sin we sin unto God which causes a great hurt in his heart. It separates us from him. But we know that when we confess our sin he is merciful and forgives us (1 John1:9). He calls us to do the same.

Jesus also calls us to a life of faith. It’s been said that our faith can move mountains, or in this passage, mulberry trees. Now, I don’t know when the last time you wanted to move a mountain, or even came across that or a mulberry tree, but if we had faith that huge we could. Faith is the belief that God can do anything he desires and faith is the acceptance that God can do anything through us. It is easy to criticize ourselves, thinking we are too small, but that’s the point. We are too small. We can do nothing; especially move mountains, without Christ’s power flowing through us. Jesus stresses that he wants us to believe in him that he can do anything through us.

This next passage of scripture brings conviction. Jesus encourages us to become servants who do what they are told and to expect nothing in return. How does this make you feel? When you serve someone don’t you like to at least hear “thank you”? Or when someone has done something great for you, don’t you show them your gratitude? Jesus is not saying we don’t deserve a “thank you”. but that we shouldn’t expect one.

This passage speaks a great deal about grace. Grace is getting something we don’t deserve. None of us deserved eternal life, we did not earn it nor could we ever earn it. It is only through Christ’s death and resurrection that we can partake of the blessing of eternal life. Under God’s grace we should serve, for it is our duty, and expect nothing in return, because the simple fact that we can even serve is an act of grace.

The next story brings us to praise. God is worthy of our praise. Ten men were healed of a sickness that kept them out of their own homes and away from their families. Their healings provided much more than restored health, but restored families, friendship and employment. How many came back to praise Jesus for what he had done? Seems pathetic, huh? That mans faith in Jesus and gratitude for the healing saved him.

God is our provider; provider of shelter, life, miracles, healings, etc. Sometimes it is easy to overlook the small things that happen everyday and not credit that they come from God. Read James 1:17. What does this say about good gifts? Who do they come from? What is a good gift? God loves us and provides for us more than we think.


– Do you find it hard to forgive or easy? Are you still holding grudges against people that have wronged you? How does it feel to be forgiven by others? Remember that God is all forgiving, casting our sins into the deepest of oceans to be forgotten forever. How can we practice this same forgiveness in our lives? This week ask God to help you forgive those you haven’t.

– How much faith do you have? Do you find it difficult to put your faith in God sometimes? Know that God loves you and longs to work in and through you. Ask God for greater faith and He will provide a way that faith will come.

– Do you find the story of duty hard to take? God doesn’t want us to serve him out of fear, but out of love. Jesus is the perfect example of servant hood; do you think he ever expected anything in return for his service? This week practice serving others out of love and expect nothing in return. Your labor is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

– God is deserving of our praise. Keep your eyes and minds open to see and receive his blessings everyday. This week before bed take some time to reflect on the day and see where God has moved. Thank him for the small, or huge, miracles he performs in your life daily. Thank him for using you, providing for you and for his presence in your life.