So let’s say you’re like me, and you love Twitter.  Not everyone really gets it, or understands your obsession with letting everyone know seemingly useless and mundane pieces of information.  I mean, you, and I, understand how important it is, and that a great deal of important info is shared in Tweetland and beyond.

If you are one of those people, may I suggest 3 people who you should considering following.  I may?  Well, I plan to either hashtag you or mention you in an upcoming Tweet.

They are Western Territorial Commander Commissioner Jim Knaggs (@jimknaggs), National Young Adult Initiatives Guy Captain Rob Reardon (@rreardondc), and the official Twitter account for WARdrobe (@tsaWARdrobe).

Commissioner Knaggs constantly has all kinds of thoughts on the passage of Scripture that he’s currently studying. I know this because he tweets about 3 times a day just on the Book of Exodus (and he has been for a while now). His consistency is awesome, and his thoughts are deep, even for 140 characters. If you want even more than that, you can head to his blog at

Captain Rob Reardon is just a guy you’re going to want to get to know, especially if you’re a young adult in The Salvation Army. Have an idea about how the Army can do better in Young Adult Ministry? Direct Message! But seriously, hit the follow button see what the Lord is doing at NHQ with Young Adults at the same time. If you want to hear more of his thoughts, you can do so at his blog at

Last, and certainly not even close to least is tsaWARdrobe, and it’s less of a person and more of a group. WARdrobe is a new initiative, one that is for the people and by the people as it were. The goal is to create nice Salvation Army clothing to supplement your daily wardrobe. As their Facebook advertises, there’s everything from tunics, epaulettes, crests, shields, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, shoes and hats. While a lot of cool shirts and stuff have been made and provided by certain Salvation Army headquarters itself, the unique thing about this is that many people just share their ideas on how they’ve been adapting everyday clothes to rep the Army. It’s Salvo chic every day of the week. To get more WARdrobe goodies, you can either head over to the website,, which is currently being put together, or you can head over to its Facebook Group Page (which has tons of photos for you to oogle at). You can find them on Facebook by searching “WARdrobe: Army Apparel.”