What up Metro Youth!

We are very excited to announce to you the details of the next Prayer & Praise Night, which happens to be the first P&PN of 2012!

Remember, we will not have a Prayer & Praise Night in December so that we can all participate in I’ll Fight Day on Saturday, December 3, 2011.

What are Prayer & Praise Nights?
Prayer & Praise Nights are monthly youth worship services that target High School and College age youth. P&PN’s encourage youth to grow in their relationship with the Lord and challenge them to “win the world for Jesus” in a way that is relevant to their place in life. Youth are also being discipled in the areas of worship warfare, prayer, and Bible study.

When is the next Prayer & Praise Night?
On Friday, January 13, 2012, the Chicago Central ARC will be hosting the next Prayer & Praise Night of the 2011-2012 season. It’s the first P&PN of 2012, and the first P&PN at an ARC!!!

For those that may not know, ARC stands for Adult Rehabilitation Center, and is a Salvation Army program that helps people get clean from drugs and alcohol, and find Jesus. For more info, and to watch some cool testimony videos from ARC participants (like the one below), visit www.satruck.org.

Who’s the special guest?
Our special guest speaker for the night is Justin Rose. Justin is the youth pastor at the Mayfair Corps on the north side of Chicago. He’s a friendly dude, and would love to meet you and hang out afterwards, I’m sure.

What is the theme?
The theme for the night is materialism and self-denial. We live in a culture of constant advertisements that tell us we need more stuff. Do we understand that our satisfaction doesn’t come from things, but from God? And do we truly understand that God wants us to stop doing wrong and seek justice for the oppressed (Isaiah 1:16-17)? At the Chicago Central ARC P&PN, we’ll be challenged to learn how we can be free from materialism, and the ways God is calling us to deny ourselves so we can act justly as He calls us to.

Here’s what you need to bring:
-Your friends
-Your Bibles
-2 bucks to pay for snack
-A focused attitude of worship

Here’s what you should know:
-Plan to leave early so you can get there before 7:00pm!
-For directions to the Chicago Central ARC, check here: http://bit.ly/tHarU7
-To RSVP to our Facebook Event, click here: http://on.fb.me/rzzQC1

We hope to see you there!